Tuesday, August 10, 2004
It was a pretty lazy Summer Saturday where I didn't feel like doing very much.
I didn't feel very social, and I didn't even feel like talking to anyone.
To be honest its becoming more and more of an effort to even go out to the local "watering hole" lately. I just don't feel like socializing at all.
So the only "watering hole" I was near, was the big one in my back yard.
My back yard, yeah what can I say about it, its nice. Have a look:

Walking along the docks, peering into the water - I picked out a spot where I saw lots of activity among the little fish.
For where there are little fishes the bigger ones aren't that far away.
Yeah that was pretty much what I was doing on this particular Saturday night.
Fish watching. Just grab a seat somewhere the light hits the water and you can see a little bit of whats going on below. In this case I had a pretty good view of a decent area illuminated by the dock lighting.
I grabbed a seat, relaxed and started watching the show.
The little fish were swarming and buzzing about in the light. Like a heard of Impalas on the plains of the African continent, they swarmed together rapidly changing directions in unison and moving en mass. As my eyes adjusted to the lighting I could see more and more action beneath the surface.
Lurking there on the fringes of where the light from the lamp reached were several long thin fish, little bigger than the little fish, with long snoots. Predatory fish no doubt every once in a while one would dart toward the swarming little fish, sometimes causing a small splish splash of the water.
They reminded me of the Lions on the plains, just sitting on the outskirts of a herd, watching for the weak or weary who cant keep up, waiting to "naturally select" them for removal.
Just then these large silver Tarpon came gliding along into view. Three of these guys were swimming along together, reminding me of a couple burley of Harley Bikers rolling down the street during spring break full of teenagers. They really weren't looking at all the action going on around them just grooving on through, yet notice was served that the Tarpon are there and the other fish just kinda eased out of their way.
As I was mesmerized by the shine and grace of the mighty Tarpon, my peaceful state was interrupted by a "puh puh" sort of sound. It came from nearby, but I couldn't quite tell from where. There it was again. "Puh, Puh" sounded like someone trying to say PUNT but unable to - and stuttering a bit with the first syllable.
Then I saw what made that sound, just about five feet away from where I was sitting I could see the shadow of a dorsal fin break the surface of the water. The PUH sound was the opening of the blowhole of an Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin. He was only a few feet from where I was sitting, no pack just a single dolphin, he was swimming leisurely along, cause I have seen these fish really cruising along when they choose to. He hung around and circled about for a bit, sometimes dipping below the surface and then resurfacing announced by the PUH - PUH of his breathing. It was a magical moment there in the Miami moonlight, one that no amount of socializing at a bar and drinking can compare to. I think he knew I was there. He may have been interested in the fish, or maybe he was doing just the same thing I was. As our paths crossed, We connected there for a small sliver of time in this vast universe, just for this one moment. It was a moment to cherish, and as uneventful as the whole of my weekend was, this made up for it. It was certainly much more interesting than spending the evening in a smoky bar room watching other people get drunk!
Id rather be "swimming with the fishes"!