Friday, December 10, 2004
The Death of Dimebag
Yesterday we learned of another tragic senseless act of violence.
On the very day where 24 years ago another deranged fan ended the life of John Lennon. Here 24 years later, Daryl "Dimebag" Abbott was shot to death, while on stage by a deranged fan.
Oh but this story runs deeper. At least for me personally there are a couple of ways you can run two degrees of seperation from this to me.
First one, if you recall my Blog entry from Nov 20th I mentioned the passing of my friend.
The thing about that was by his own admission, his "claim to fame" was that he once played (guitar) in a band with "Dimebag" Daryl. Almost a month to the day when I learned of his passing this happened.
The next erie connection was my friend Mariah. Who happens to be from Ohio (and if you pronounce it Oh-Hi-Yah it rhymes!) well it just so happens that she happened to be there when he was shot! Oh yeah right there, backstage, and saw it all happen. As you can imagine she was a little traumatized by the whole thing. However I did get a first hand account of the horror of that night in that Columbus Ohio club, where sadly a great chapter in Rock and Roll history was ended. Rest in Piece Daryl!
Yesterday we learned of another tragic senseless act of violence.
On the very day where 24 years ago another deranged fan ended the life of John Lennon. Here 24 years later, Daryl "Dimebag" Abbott was shot to death, while on stage by a deranged fan.
Oh but this story runs deeper. At least for me personally there are a couple of ways you can run two degrees of seperation from this to me.
First one, if you recall my Blog entry from Nov 20th I mentioned the passing of my friend.
The thing about that was by his own admission, his "claim to fame" was that he once played (guitar) in a band with "Dimebag" Daryl. Almost a month to the day when I learned of his passing this happened.
The next erie connection was my friend Mariah. Who happens to be from Ohio (and if you pronounce it Oh-Hi-Yah it rhymes!) well it just so happens that she happened to be there when he was shot! Oh yeah right there, backstage, and saw it all happen. As you can imagine she was a little traumatized by the whole thing. However I did get a first hand account of the horror of that night in that Columbus Ohio club, where sadly a great chapter in Rock and Roll history was ended. Rest in Piece Daryl!