Friday, January 27, 2006


6am time to get the Groceries!

Well what do you know the Blithering Blogger is back!

So as I woke up this morning, or actually late last night, ahem, once again in a strange (meaning not my own) bed. In the pre-dawn darkness I was scrambling around to find my clothes....

Shorts, good, that's where all the essentials are, the cell phone, the keys (gotta have those!) the Wallet, (phew!) all in the pockets. Shhush those jingling keys up! Ok now the shirt, good right under the shorts... socks, did I wear any socks last night... Here they are black nylon socks, must be mine.... Sneakers in the other room, got em good slip them on really quickly and get me out the door.

It was about 6am and once again I found myself walking home, so on the way home there is a 24 hour Walgreens. Now Walgreens isn't exactly known as a grocery store. Let alone at this hour. It's basically a convenience store, with a pharmacy. So it should have been rather easy to pop in at this time grab a Crispy Creme and a Frappachino, while there I might as well grab a 1/2 gallon of milk, so that I can have a proper "nutritious breakfast" bowl of Honey-Nut Cheerios when I get home. In just that time it took me to stroll into the milk aisle and get the Milk and Frappachino, some guy with wife and brood in tow ambles (and don't they all amble!) lazily toward the only checkout counter open at this time. Is this guy getting one thing or two, as most would in a convenience store... HECK NO! This guy is doing shopping for the month with his entire brood. He has a full sized grocery cart full of things, and I mean FULL all the way to the top and then some. He has liters of Soda and Gatorade in his arms and his wife is carrying along a hand cart loaded with things so many things that each one of the little offspring are helping out and carrying a few items with them.

So the Ace shopper and his crew leisurely amble up to the cashier and start to unload the booty on the little counter there. Of course the cashier is some elderly lady, probably named Mildred or something and she is putting her little half-spectacles up to her face and, nice and slowly starts to inspect the items at about a minute a clip looking for the bar code. Is it just me or is this the same floundering group that seems to be laying in wait to ambush me when driving by pulling their slow moving SUV directly in front of me whenever I am driving. It was remarkably similar let me tell you. All this mind you at 6am as well.

As I am feeling a little silly holding three objects there while poor old Millie is still searching for the elusive bar-code at 6am. I am looking around the store and see no other cashier options. Basically no where to go, like being stuck on a 1 lane street with this guys SUV going 5mph in front of you... What to do. There was a guy looking very much like a manager, chatting with the stores security guard by the exit, and after making eye contact with this obviously uninterested person, I excused myself, loudly as I pushed back Father knows best over here with his monthly rations on line set my three items down on the end of the counter there past Millie, who was still looking for that darned bar-code, and when the Manager caught my attention again, I tipped my invisible hat to him, as I exited the store. All the while muttering about who would be taking the family grocery shopping in a drug store at 6am?




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